Setting up mobile game export on Linux Ubuntu 22.04 in Godot 4.3

Editor Settings

1. Android SDK Path / Open a terminal and type the command

sudo apt update

sudo apt install android-sdk

whereis android-sdk

2. Debug Keystore / Do the same at the terminal, type the command

keytool -list -v -keystore debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

You have the keystore file, place it in a path that is convenient for you. In this case, it is /home/username/debug.keystore.

3.Java SDK Path / I asked at chatGPT and read at doc.godot He suggested to install JDK 11 by typing the command in terminal.

sudo apt update

sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk

Then find the path

There are a lot. I opened explorer and looked at each path that was mentioned, it didn't seem right, so I looked at the path that seemed to be related to Android in /usr/lib, I looked until I found the path /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.11.0-openjdk-amd64. This folder has an arrow pointing up, it looks special, so I went into it. I looked in the bin folder, there was a program file jarsigner that Godot3 had given a path to refer to.


edit 2 point

1. Keystore

Debug: I used the same one created in the editor setting, just copied it to another path.

Release: Created a new keystore command, same as the debugkeystore, just changed the app name, username, and password.

2. Package

The Unique Name has been changed to com.creatorname.gamename (mostly like this).


***This method is for testing only, cannot be uploaded to the Play Store.
If you want to upload to the Play Store, you need to install Android Studio.
Refer the path to build the Android app in Godot Editor Setting.
Export as .aab target API 34 (required now Oct 2024)

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